Hello, and Welcome to our site.  We are "LIVING WATERS 3".    A Southern Gospel Trio.  We love "Singin' Good Ol' Southern       Gospel  Music".  We enjoy the classic harmonies and writing and   arranging brand new ones of our own. Visit us often for updates to the      site and for  group news.    Our praise reports and our prayer requests.  Please email us at    livingwaters3_group@live.com                                                       
YOU MAY CONTACT US AT:  livingwaters3_group@live.com   or you can call :
                   Gary Franklin at  321-890-9682.



Here you will learn about our trio and our music.  We will share our testimonies and praise reports also.  We will also share our prayer requests.  And hopefully, you will email us and share yours with us.  We need to stand together and pray for one another.

We are currently still under construction, but, please check back often as we grow.  God Bless you and on behalf of the group, Thank You For visiting.

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