Hello, My name is Andy Tribble.
I am originally from Barberton, Ohio. I am married with one son, two daughters and two stepdaughters. I have played the piano for over 28 years. I also play guitar, bass guitar and harmonica. In the past I lpayed and sang with shch gospel groups as the "Gospel Journeymen" and "The Glory Revelators". I have been singing for 35 years. I am currently music director for Living Waters C.G.M.A. I sing and play with the "Praise & Worship Team" there at the church. I sing lead and play piano for the group and help with arranging many of the songs.
Hello, My name is Kenny Ellis.
I sing Baritone and play Bass Guitar for the group. I am married with four daughters, one grandson and two son-in-laws. I am originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. I have been a born again christian since I was twelve years old. I have been preaching since sixteen years old. I was raised in the C.G.M.A. I have pastored for over twenty years. I began my music journey playing the flat top guitar. I played for a group called "The Virgin Family" based in Illinois at age fifteen. Then at nineteen I began playig bass guitar and then the piano.
I sang in a trio with my triplet sisters for years. I was the International Youth Director for four years with the C.G.M.A. I am currently the Pastor at Living Waters C.G.M.A. in Palm Bay, Florida. I also play and sing with the "Praise and Worship Team at the church with Gary and Andy. I love to preach the word of God. Singing has become a big part of our worshipping at the church. I sing and play the bass with Living Waters 3. I help with some of the arranging some of the songs we sing.
Hello, My name is Gary Franklin.
I sing Tenor and play drums for the group. I am originally from Liberty, Indiana. I am married with two daughters, four grandchildren and 1 son-in-law. We live in Melbourne, Florida. We attend Living Waters C.G.M.A. I sing and play in the "Praise & Worship Team" at the church.
I have been singing since I was five years old. The first song I remember singing is "How Great Thou Art". I have always loved music since I can remember. I love gospel music. Especially Southern Gospel.
I formed my first group as a teenager in 1972 with my brother and a good friend. I sang Tenor and lead and wrote songs for the group. We sang together for several years. In 1975 I moved to Mississippi, where I played the drums for a group called "The Melodians". When I returned to Florida I met my wife at her church during a nine week revival. We were there to sing. I continued to sing at our church for years. I then got caught up in the old rock and roll music with the promises of fame. For the next few years I sang in the nightcllubs and sang in rock and roll shows with some groups. In 1988, I won "Best Male Vocalist" in Brevard County, Florida throught the Brevard County Musicians Association. In one of these shows I was approached by a couple men who I had noticed at the concert. They wanted me to get them a demo to them in California. They wanted me to audition for a traveling rock revival tour throughout the country. Well, I thought that was it. I made it. But, I'm here to tell you, the moment I agreed to send the demo and go audition, this voice kept telling me"Slow down boy. That's not what you're to do" I could not shake this feeling for months. The more I went into the clubs and concerts, the more I felt disgusted with the whole scene. I did not smoke or drink, but my voice was suffering from everyone elses. I finally through up my hands and said okay God Now What? I gave my heart back to God and walked away from the whole scene.
I got back into church again and in no time my voice was back and I was singing with a quartet called "The Singing Messengers". We traaveled all over the State of Florida and some in Indiana, Illinois. We were together for several years. I then joined a quarted called "The Gospel Sounds" who had just won a recording deal in a competition with "The Kingsmen" we too, sang together til the group disbanded shortlly after recording a project together. The Lord then drew me into a solo ministry in Florida, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Then, in May of 94, I had a heart attack and heart failure. I had a very hard time bouncing back. I never did fully. Doctors said that singing was out of the question because of the strain it would cause. And traveling was out of the question. This about crushed me. I was forced off my feet for over a year and a half. They didn't think I would sing again. And for over 12 years I couldn't have the breath to sing a whole song. I couldn't even climb stairs for all this time. I was forced to sleep in a recliner. I finally gave in and sold all my sound equipment and everything, including my suits and ties and even shoes. I just knew I was finished. After all these years of depression and pity parties my wife began going to a new church locally and would always tell me about the great people and the great pastor there. She would tell me constantly. I put her off for awhile. Then I met the pastor one day at the hospital. And instantly I knew this was a true man of God. After that day I began thinking and began praying for the strength to go. I was fearful because of not being able to walk far and couldn't sing or play the drums anymore. I finally got up the courage to ask God to forgive me sitting in my recliner and when my wife got home I told her I will probably go with her next Sunday. And the rest is history. The more I went I began to notice how much better I felt. I began singing in the congregation and noticed I could sing the whole song without struggle. I began to praise God for it. The more I did that, the more I felt better. Before I knew it I got the courage to tell the Pastor I would like to sing. Before long I found myself singing every service with the Praise and Worship Team. Then more solos. I then got behind the drums and began playing. I was ecstatic now. Everyone began noticing the difference in me. Even my doctors. Now my meds have been greatlly reduced. My tests are coming back normal after so long a time. Now Praise the Lord I am singing and playing with this Trio with that pastor and music director at the church. God is blessing us with such wonderful harmony. I am writing many new songs again, now for the group and we are learning them currently. God has healed me of so much of my heart condition. I can't Praise Him enough. We all get along so great and have such a desire to sing all the time. I am singing the High Tenor notes again and playing the drums without getting tired. I could brag about God all day. Hopefully one day I can share more with everyone we sing for. God Bless you all. Gary Franklin.