CONGRATULATIONS, KEN ELLIS, (our baritone ) & his wife KAREN , on the recent birth of THEIR new grandson.  CONGRATULATIONS GRACE AND NOE AND MIGUEL ( new big brother ) We all wish you much love and God's blessings on your newest family member.  We love you all.
 Living Waters 3 will be celebrating Mothers Day at our church. We are looking forward to Praising God for all our mothers and motherhood itself.  We have been working hard at a new song  written by Gary, that we will debut during our services this Sunday.  So please join us all in prayer for all mothers on this special day.  Let's lift them all up in our prayers and ask our Lord for his blessings upon them.  God bless you all and PRAISE THE LORD!
 Gary has a special unspoken  request for his grandson and his family.  Please stand with him in our prayers.

Living Waters 3 have several prayer requests.  Our group and our Praise & Worship Team at church have been plagued this week by illnesses such as sore throats, colds and fatigue.  But, we all know who is in charge and who is behind trying to get us down.  Please stand with us in prayer for our vocalists and musicians in our groups.  Thank you and God Bless you all.  Please feel free to email us with your prayer requests or your praise reports and we will share with everyone if you wish. We will gladly stand in prayer with you. You can email us at our email account at 

 PRAISE THE LORD!  We have found out about a wonderful praise report from one of our Praise & Worship singers at the church.  She reported about her 6 year old neice who has been suffering from cancer.  Her reports have let us know that she, at her young age has trust in the Lord.  We have just been informed that her doctors have informed her and her family that she has received her miracle.  We are happy to report that her tumor has been irradicated by 75%.  She is doing well.  Ain't God Good? Hallelujah, HE still reigns.  We are so happy for her and her family and her Aunt who attends our church.  HE is still on the job!!!!!!!
 We beleive we all have unsaved loved ones that we pray for and would love to see living for the Lord. Please continue to pray for these special people in our lives.  Never lose hope because it doesn't happen like or when we think or hope, just hold onto Jesus and trust and beleive. 
 Please join our congregation and our Pastor and his family as we still pray and trust God for the right place and time to rebuild a new building for us.  The fire that destroyed our building can and will be turned into a good thing for the Lord and our church.  Please help us pray and stand steadfast and firm in our belief in HIS power and his will for us all.  We may be renting a place for services now, but our church is still growing.  God is still working miracles.  We are seeing lost souls and souls rededicated to His service.  We truly beleive HE has a brand new journey for our church filled with more purpose in this hungry world.  Thank you for your prayers. 
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